Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rabbitbrush Rambler: Immersing kids in Nature | Koi fish pond

Living near the mountains, its hard for us to imagine kids without an opportunity to get close up and personal with Mother Nature during the summer, but some of them never get out of town. They might spend a lot of time outdoors, zooming around the neighborhood on their bikes and even taking part in team sports, which is good outdoor exercise but not what I am referring to here.

Lots of young and older children have never gone camping in a tent and hiking in the back country with their families or spent a week or two at summer camp. How many have climbed to the top of Blanca Peak or been to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and have learned firsthand about the life zones and all the things that can stick you or stab you along the way?

If you have not, you have missed some important experiences that are waiting to be discovered.

In June kids got a free hotdog along with the chance to catch a trout at Kids Fishing Day. This relatively tame event, sponsored by the SLV National Wildlife Refuges and its Friends group, is not exactly what I mean by immersion in Nature, unless someone happens to fall in the pond.

Fortunately, kids do have a few other opportunities that are fun and educational for kids who like a little distance between them and the really wild outdoors. Take, for example, the annual Junior Ranger Day at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve.

This already took place in June, but it is worth remembering for next year. It attracts a big crowd of kids with staff and volunteers guiding groups through nature-related games, crafts, and other activities that are both educational and fun.

In October, when weather is still nice here, the NWR and the Friends group will sponsor the annual fall crane fest for kids again. This popular Saturday at the Monte Vista NWR has fun, food, and educational activities, nothing too scary.

I also want to mention some hands-on outdoor activities that are planned for adults and big kids this summer.


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