Monday, January 30, 2012

Barack Obama Brings Us Closer to the Magic Number (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | It won't be long now. We are almost at the point where more than half our population receives some kind of government handout, whether welfare, Social Security, unemployment, disability or food stamps. According to the latest census data as published on, 49 percent of all households have at least one member who is collecting something from an entitlement.

These programs have greatly increased since Barack Obama took office all under his vision of "shared responsibility," his new campaign mantra. What he really means is taking someone else's money to give to another, more commonly known as income redistribution.

There are two reasons this is a problem. The first is that once someone begins to receive any kind of entitlement, they are reluctant to give them up. Any attempts to lower these benefits, control them or impose restrictions such as drug testing or earning them through some type of work program, will be fought by the recipients. And once they have a majority of 51 percent, they will vote any of these measures down. They will also vote for those politicians who will continue to give them entitlements and who promise to raise these benefits.

This also affects the other half of the people, as their taxes are increased to provide these others with the increased benefits, they will reach a point where they will no longer decide it is in their best interest to continue to work and will go on the public dole as well.

Which leads to the second problem: Where does the money come from? The government produces nothing. All of its money comes from the taxpayers, whether through a personal income tax, corporate taxes or sales taxes. The government does not sell anything or make anything on its own. Whenever a person decides to stop working to collect government money for not doing anything, it increases the burden on the rest. If the tax burden for businesses becomes too high, eventually the business will go out of business and will no longer contribute as well. Sooner or later the money will run out.

Then what? What will happen then? We will be at the total mercy of others. We will become a socialist or communist state where we no longer have the freedom of choice, we will be told what we can buy, where we can work and what we can do with our personal time. This is the direction Obama and the left are leading us and we are not that far away.

We can say it will never happen here and go around with our heads in the sand, but ignore it at your own peril.


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